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in PowerShell by 25 39 44

I am managing a system that includes 50+ subsites, and I need to remove a particular user's permission from all of these subsites. How to efficiently remove a user from all SharePoint groups using PowerShell script? instead of having to manually loop through each site permission.

1 Answer

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by 25 39 44

To remove user from all SharePoint groups using PowerShell

The following PowerShell script enables you to remove user's permission from all the SharePoint groups in each subsite in seconds

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell 
$username = "UserX"
$siteCollection = Get-SPSite "https://rootSite/debug"

Function RemoveUserFromGroup($SiteURL, $UserAccount)
     #Get the Web
     $web=Get-SPWeb $SiteURL
     #Get the User to Remove 
     $User  = $Web.EnsureUser($UserAccount)
     #Iterate through all Groups
     foreach($Group in $Web.Groups)
         $GroupUser = $Group.Users | where {$_.UserLogin -eq $User.UserLogin}
         #Check if user member of the group
         if($GroupUser -ne $null)

            Write-Host "$($User) is member of Group: $($Group)"

            #remove user from sharepoint group using powershell 
            Write-Host "$($User) Removed from the Group: $($Group)"

foreach ($site in $siteCollection.AllWebs){

#Call the function to remove user from all groups in the site  
 RemoveUserFromGroup $site $username 

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