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In Power Automate, I am trying to build a flow that send approval requests with atatchment to the approvers but it fails when the approval contain attachment. and give me this error

The request failed. Error code: 'CdsApiAttachmentsNotSupported'. Error Message: 'Attachments are not supported for your environment SKU, Teams. To interact with Approvals attachments, please use an environment with a SKU that is not Teams.'.

Why might the approval action failed to send files to the designated approval team when utilizing Dataverse for Teams environment?


1 Answer

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Attachments are not supported for your environment SKU, Teams.

This error "Attachments are not supported for your environment SKU, Teams. To interact with Approvals attachments, please use an environment with a SKU that is not Teams." occurs while using the Approval Action with attachment inside a flow that created in an environment for teams.

Due to the limitations or restrictions within Teams environment, unfortunately you can't perform this for now in Teams environment, and instead, you have to use an environment with a SKU that is not for Teams!

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