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How can I get the liste of all Environment Variables using PowerShell, for example, I need to know what's the specified value for computer name in the Environment Variables? How can I do that using Windows PowerShell?

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1) How to Get All Environment Variables in Windows?

  1. Righ click on the "My PC" icon > Select Manage
  2. In the opened dialog, click on "Advanced System Settings".
  3. Click on "Advanced" Tab > Environment Variables.
    Get All Environment Variables in Windows

2) How to Get All Environment Variables using PowerShell?

To Get All Environment Variables using PowerShell, you can run this cmdlet "dir env:" as the following:

  1. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
  2. Type "dir env:" to show the list of all Environment Variables as below.
    How to Get All Environment Variables in PowerShell
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