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Microservices is an architectural structure with a specific pattern to develop the idea of a program (service) instead of creating a single software project divided by creating several software projects. Each project is a part (microservice) of the entire idea of the program. Microservices is very important and used in large Company like Microsoft and Google.

Today, I would like to share this course that explains Microservices Architecture in Arabic and consists of 33 videos as the following:

  1. Introduction to Microservices In Arabic
  2. Microservices Architecture Table of Contents 
  3. From Monolithic to Microservices  
  4. Microservices Architecture - The Big View  
  5. Microservices Architecture - Communication Design  
  6. Microservices Architecture - API Gateway  
  7. Microservices Architecture - Service Discovery  
  8. Microservices in Action short Demo  
  9. Microservices and Twelve-Factor App  
  10. Microservices Architecture - Dynamic Configurations 
  11. Microservices Architecture - Circuit Breaker Pattern 
  12. Twelve Factor App - Backing Service 
  13. Microservices Architecture - Development Culture
  14. Microservices Architecture - CI and CD 
  15. Twelve Factor App - Processes and Port Binding
  16. Microservices Architecture - Introduction to Data Management 
  17. Microservices Architecture - Cross Service Query 
  18. Microservices Architecture - Distributed Transactions 
  19. Microservices Architecture - Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) 
  20. Microservices Architecture - Event Sourcing Pattern 
  21. Microservices Architecture - Caching Pattern 
  22. Microservices in Action Part 1 
  23. Twelve-Factor App - Concurrency  
  24. Twelve-Factor App - Logs Management 
  25. Twelve-Factor App - Disposability
  26. Twelve-Factor App - Dev/Prod Parity
  27. Microservices in Action Part 2 - Deployment 
  28. Microservices Architecture - Service Orchestrators 
  29. Microservices Architecture - DevOps Pipeline 
  30. Microservices Architecture - Infrastructure as Code 
  31. Microservices Architecture - Event-Driven Architecture 
  32. Microservices Architecture - Event-Driven In Action 
  33. Microservices Architecture - Project Structure 

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