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Testing as a Service(TaaS Testing) is a supplement to traditional testing that allows the test team to focus on higher-value activities like defect resolution, quality analysis, etc.

  • It creates test cases and test scripts and keeps them up-to-date.
  • As the demand for quality assurance and testing automation increased exponentially, TaaS has garnered attention in the software testing world and is being used with more enthusiasm than before, as the underlying AI systems are being increasingly validated by the industry.

How is it different from Traditional Testing?

Traditional Testing TaaS

  • Focus of testing Focus is to find a defect Focus is to prevent a defect
  • Scaling to new changes Adaptability to changing requirements in low Can scale as per the changing demand/requirements
  • Availability Testing plans are pre-decided 24*7
  • Cost High cost due to the need of skilled testers and infrastructure. Up-front investments and maintenance costs Pay only for what you use
  • Test Environment Need to manually create the test environments Available on demand
  • Testing Artifacts Manually created The platform will help in generating artifacts and dashboards
  • Test Management Software License required It’s part of the service, can be easily configured to use your existing test-management products
  • Use of newer tools and technologies Using newer tools in-house needs significant investment, steep learning curve, lack of skilled resources Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) powered intelligent automation tools are available on demand and instantly – with no learning curve
  • Ability to learn Follows rules to automate the tasks that has no variations, is restricted to repetitive tasks Learns and adapts to data in real-time with the AI self-healing capability .

On-demand testing is suitable when your team is in any of these testing scenarios:

  • You have dynamic and scalable testing needs
  • You need end-to-end testing services with the latest tools and technologies like Intelligent Test Automation and Machine Learning to deliver high-quality results
  • You need to save enormous amounts of time in diagnosing and Defect Triaging
  • You need only a fragment of testing to be done on your applications
  • You have complex application infrastructure requirements like cross browser, cross device testing
  • You need niche testing skills with a quick turnaround
  • The Perks of embracing on-demand services

In today’s digitally empowered world, your business depends on your customer’s experience.

One bad experience and it can turn off the customer from your application and you could lose – your customer, your reputation, your credibility – literally everything is at stake! To provide a great customer experience, you need a high-quality defect free product that encompasses everything that a customer needs.

You can’t have a perfect defect-free application that loads at a snail’s pace. You would still lose out on your customer! You need to cover it all – not just the functionality aspect, but also non-functional aspects like load, performance, and security.

And that’s how high the testing standards need to be to ensure end-to-end testing that gives a superior customer experience!!

According to Cognizant’s report, the primary reason cited for optimization was to improve product quality, and the primary means to achieve optimization was to partner with an independent testing service provider. Read for more : TaaS

If you are interested in learning more about Webomates CQ service please click here and schedule a demo, or reach out to us at info@webomates.com.

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