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You can't attend the Microsoft Ignite event, Would you like to join the Microsoft Ignite event in Orlando? 

Don't worry, you can still participate and join Microsoft Ignite online.

Microsoft Ignite which is one of the most important annual conferences for developers and IT professionals hosted by Microsoft

Microsoft Ignite 2019 | Vision Keynote with Satya Nadella

Microsoft Ignite 2019 kicks off with a keynote from Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella, starting at 9:00 AM ET/6:00 AM PT on Monday, November 4. Microsoft Ignite is for anyone who is motivated to be on the frontier of innovation and tech. Learn more about the event, watch selected sessions on-demand, and more.

Microsoft Ignite 2019 day 1 | All day Livestream

  • 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM ET | Microsoft Ignite Live Pre-Show Kick Off (MLS1000)
  • 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM ET | Vision Keynote (KEY01)
  • 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM ET | Keynote Recap with Mary Jo Foley and Paul Thurrott
  • 10:40 AM - 10:55 AM ET | Outpacing Change and Staying Challenged (MLS1002)
  • 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ET | Tech Keynote - Invent with purpose on Azure (TK01)
  • 12:15 PM - 12:30 PM ET | Visual Studio Online - everything you need to know! (MLS1003)
  • 12:40 PM - 12:55 PM ET | Extending VMware operations into Azure: embracing the Cloud and staying sane (MLS1004)
  • 1:05 PM - 1:25 PM ET | Microsoft Azure Overview (MLS1005)
  • 1:35 PM - 1:50 PM ET | A year of learning with Microsoft Learn (MLS1006)
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM ET | Create more value for your business on Azure infrastructure, from the cloud to the edge (BRK004)
  • 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM ET | It's 2019 and your servers are 2008 (MLS1008)
  • 3:25 PM - 3:40 PM ET | Modern Operations and Reliability in Azure (MLS1068)
  • 3:50 PM - 4:20 PM ET | Quantum computing + Data Centers + Azure Keynote Announcements (MLS1010)
  • 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM ET | The Limitless Data Estate (MLS1011)
  • 4:55 PM - 5:10 PM ET | Azure AI Overview (MLS1012)
  • 5:20 PM - 5:35 PM ET | The Future of Business Applications - One platform to rule them all? (MLS1013)

Microsoft Ignite 2019 day 2 | All day Livestream


On-demand Sessions

Watch 1527 on-demand sessions in Microsoft Ignite 2019.

Microsoft Ignite accessible to all through

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