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I have a modern SharePoint site, I have created a new project plan list but I can't delete this plan list from site content! How I can delete it from my SharePoint site?

I clicked on New > Plan to create a new plan list in SharePoint online site!

create a new plan in sharepoint online site

Now I need to delete the newly created project plan list, so I went to the sharepoint site content,and the plan list is not listed in the content site page as below!

project plan list is not listed in site content in sharepoint online

I also opned the new plan list but there is no option to delete this plan list?

how to delete a project plan in sharepoint site

How can I delete the project plan list in SharePoint site in SharePoint online?

1 Answer

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Where the Plan list is stored in SharePoint Online Site?

Although you can easily create a new plan on your SharePoint Online Modern Team Site, it will NOT be listed in the Site content to be able to manage its settings and delete it. Instead, you should open the Planner Hub to can find your plan and manage it.

The newly created Plan is stored in the Planner Hub, not in the Site contents of the current SharePoint site.

How to Delete a Plan in SharePoint Online Site?

To be able to delete a plan that you have created on a SharePoint Online site, you should first open the Planner Hub to be able to manage and delete it by doing the following:


  1. Click on the App Launcher > All Apps.
  2. Search for Planner.
    Opne Microsoft Planner Hub
  3. Click on All, to find all the plans created from the SharePoint site or from the Planner Hub.
    Get all plans in SharePoint Online Site
  4. Click on your Plan to open it.
  5. Besides, Board, Charts, and Schedule, click on the eclipse ... > the select "Plan Settings"
    how to delete a plan in Microsoft Planner
  6. A new dialog will be opened on the right side, Click on "Delete this plan" at the bottom to delete this plan.
    delete a plan list in SharePoint online site
  7. Check the I understand, then the delete button to delete your plan permenatly.
    restore deleted plan in Microsoft Planner

Note: you can't restore a deleted Plan in Microsoft Planner, once the plan is deleted, you will not be able to restore it by any means!

See Also

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